Thursday, April 2, 2009


I know i've been slacking on my posts but i've been super busy! Between the wedding, Scott's work schedule has picked up, I've taken on new responsibilities @ work, including training for charge and respresenting my floor on the Surgical Site Infection prevention team. Here are a few new pictures of Saige, I have plenty more of both girls but can't figure out how to download only select pics on my lap top. It's a work in progress (: Maybe this weekend I will have time. Ha Ha...all 3 days are already planned out to the max !


  1. wow, saige's looks have changed since i have seen her :( she is looking older! i miss you guys too! i called you today to go to the park and completely forgot that kaylee is in school anyways, lol. that highchair is the exact one i wanted, then i went to order it on and the friggen pattern is dicontinued dang it! i still have my old one which is fine, its just huge! anyways, when life slows down we have a date ;)

  2. Saige looks great in GREEN!!! Um..yeah everyone still thinks Easton is a's like..okay he's decked out in BOY clothes..are you kidding me? Then they say..he'd make a beautiful girl..and I think..that's friggen GREAT! My kid looks like a girl! ;)

  3. I do not think its called slacking ~ I think it is called having your teeth out, working the hospital schedule and taking care of two little ones.....LIFE.....

    I cannot believe how Saige is changing in her looks ~ and she totally looks like a girl to me:-) and WOW her hair is turning blonde! The two of you are in trouble when these two girls start dating!!! And you probably think you have plenty of time before you have that to worry about, but trust me it will be here before you know it. Look at us oldies :-)

    Miss the girls....givem kisses and huggs for me!
