Sunday, March 13, 2011

A Whole Year, Really?!

Well, it appears that I have gone beyond slacking and have just plain quit. I hopped on here and noticed my last post was over a year ago! Its March 2011 and I think my last post was in January of 2010. Although we haven't had anything significant happen in the course of the year, the girls have definetly changed and grown. I guess it just goes to show you that time flies when when your having fun ~ or raising a family, lol, which ever way you want to look at it. Well, I look forward to catching up on here and hope to be better at posting every month or so.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

What was I thinking?!

After looking over my entries from 2009, I realized I never posted anything about our wedding!! How I overlooked that has me baffled!! Well, I'm posting anyhow even though most of you probably know the story.  We flew to N.C. on a Thursday, getting in pretty late. We went to my Sister's house where Scott's surprise was waiting, Harlan! It was such a great moment when he realized his best friend had flown in to share our special day.  The following day we all loaded up and drove to Southport Marina to ride the ferry over to the Island. Bald Head Island is such a beautiful place.  The second we stepped off the ferry , I was so sure we had made the right decision getting married there.  Our beach house was perfect, large enough to accomodate 7 adults and 4 kids (:  We settled in and prepared for the Big day!! Saturday, the wedding day, was perfect...the sun was shining & the breeze was just right.  It was such a calm morning, for me at least...Mom made breakfast for everyone and then it was time to start getting ready.  I took up residence in our bathroom and the guys went into the kids room to get dressed. It was great b/c we had 4 bathrooms, so no one was in eachother's way.  One memory that sticks with me is my father bringing two glasses of Relax (my fav. wine) into the bathroom for my Sister & I as she helped me with my hair. I think the Photographer got a picture of it, I will post. Speaking of the photographer, he showed up almost 2hrs EARLY! I did have a moment of stress at that point, thinking he had the times wrong, but all was fine when explained he just wanted to make sure he was on time and that the ferry ride didn't make him late.  Perfect for us, we got a good amount of time extra with him! The cake people made it over to the Island with the cake still in one piece which was great and the Minister also had arrived on time. I suppose my father & brother-in-law were the most busy, being that they had to continue to take the golf-cart back and forth to the dock to get these people and bring them back.  The ceremony was at 1:00pm on the beach just in front of our house.  There was a perfect wooden bridge that took us from the road to the beach that we used as an "isle".  Kaylee walked in front of us throwing little white seashells out of a beautiful bucket, her idea!! Dad cried the entire length of the boardwalk !! The ceremony was perfect, the sound of the waves in the background, the sunshining bright and the exchanging of vows <3  We took the golf carts around the Island to take pictures after, cut our cake back at the beach house and then went to the Country Club for our dinner reservations. My father had been reluctant to this idea of a wedding,  leaning towards the big traditional wedding that my sister had, however during dinner I could tell how happy everyone was, as was I.  I was there with the people that are the most important to me, I was able to talk with them about the day and enjoy the moment.  Something that I knew would be impossible with a gathering of two hundred or so people in a large hall.  This was more intimate and I wouldn't change it for the world!  We spent the next week on the Island, relaxing on the beach, exploring the Island, hanging out and laughing ~ creating memories that we'll always hold tight. 

Mr. & Mrs. Scott Conger
May 16th, 2009

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Playing Catch Up!

Wow, do I have alot to catch up on! It's been a few months I know, we've been busy with the holidays, I started my new job, and well, just the kids alone keep us busy!  So let's see, I started on the Maternity floor near the end of October and have loved every minute of it. I consider it "my new home", I don't ever see myself leaving. I have spent the majority of my orientation in Labor & Delivery and can't get enough of it! With the new position I have switched to 12hr days, and am able to spend so much more time with the girls. Working 3 days a week leaves me so many wonderful days to be spent with Saige plus I get to pick Kaylee up from school & participate in school activities. It also gives me more time to stay home & keep the house organized, leading to less stress!!! All together it was an excellent move for myself and my family!
Thanksgiving was amazing!! My family came from N.C. and we had such a great time together. Scott & my Dad headed off to hunting camp with my Uncles & Cousins for a few days for some "guy time", I had to work those 3 days so my Mom got to spend them with the girls and did some much needed bonding. We all came back together for the rest of the week and spent Thanksgiving day cozied @ home, stuffing our faces full of delicious foods! Oh, how I missed my Mom's cooking! The best came shortly after Mom & Dad went back home to N.C. - Dad had some scans and was considered CANCER FREE !!!
Christmas was wonderful. We celebrated with just the four of us and the girls were more than spoiled by Santa. Kaylee claimed it was, " THE BEST CHRISTMAS EVER ", and Saige was really into unwrapping presents and throwing them aside! (: The rest of the day was spent in our jammies, a nice big dinner and toy playing ended the day.
New Years's Eve we stayed home with the kids and had loads of snacks and played games. Saige was in bed around her usual time but Kaylee made it to see the ball drop - barely but she made it! She was so proud of herself! (the daytime nap helped I think) New Year's Day we just stayed in and had a nice dinner. I love to spend these moments snuggled in at home with my little family - running here and there isn't my favorite.
Now onto the kids, Kaylee hasn't changed a whole lot- maybe a little taller (: She's doing super in school and has really taken to reading. She enjoys chapter books and spends time every night before bed with her nose buried in one. Saige has grown a ton. She's approx 33.5 inches tall and weighs around 30lbs! Her teeth have finally started to come in, she has her top 4, bottom 2 and 2 molars...this late teething thing makes for MANY sleepless nights though! She's still not much of a talker, Mom and Dadda are about it. She's getting very good at pointing out the correct pictures in books when you ask and follows directions well, so I'm hoping she's just taking her time with talking. Lord knows Kaylee talks enough for the two of them! LOL.

I'm posting quite a few pics from the past 3 months and hope they come out in the right order!

Arnold Xmas - The youngest generation

Some of my cousins - The Arnold side

Some of My Aunts & Uncles - The Arnold side

The scarf Kaylee made Daddy...Hugs Scarf

Saige's new pony!!

Kaylee's Favorite Present!

Saige was so happy to find puffs in her stocking

Daddy carving the Turkey!!